三个大男孩终于回到了阔别多年的 Wanganui,大家十分高兴,见到了老朋友,老同学,老同事,更是抓狂与兴奋。以前读书与教书的学校现已换新址,真心想念以前的老学校!中午我们与好朋友一起午餐,并且选择在我们的最爱餐馆 - Orange Cafe 。
Debbie正尝试用她的mini相机捕捉Linyew有趣好笑的表情。Linyew 却已经点好了最美味的海鲜空心粉,我们知道这是他的最爱。Karla 和我选择的是羊排沙拉,也十分好吃。每次都是在享受和老朋友的开心时光同时心中又开始倒数着马上分别的时辰,我们开始想念你们了,我们亲爱的新西兰朋友。
好朋友相聚,永远记住这一时刻,继续大口喝酒!我们向你们保证,Super Nature 将会再回来,爱你们(Karla,Brendon,Mac,Michael,Debbie,Chris,Tanya,Andrea)
It was great to come back to Wanganui again after years being away. Met our old colleagues at Wanganui School of Design’s new campus and we had a good lunch at our favorite café – “Orange café”.Debbie tried to use her mini camera to capture the funny side of Lin yew. Lin yew ordered the best seafood pasta. He loved it! Karla and I have lamb salads and we had such a great time of seeing everyone, and now we start to miss our old friends again!
Great friends, great time, great beers!Until next trip, we promise to come back again for the great time! Love you all (Karla, Brendon, Mac, Michael, Debbie, Chris, Tanya, Andrea, my ex-host parent - kelvin Berry)