2009.06.17的黄昏,Super Nature Design的“Forget Me Not”创意聚会活动正式启动。这是我们酝酿许久之后组织的第一次小型创意聚会。甜美的红酒,精致的Pizza,可爱的小食,当然还有参加我们这次聚会的创意人士一起构成了这场精彩的创意分享,这些人来自不同的创意领域,覆盖视频影像,音乐制作,平面设计,活动公关等。谢谢你们到来与分享,也希望你们的朋友,朋友的朋友继续加入“Forget Me Not”聚会,我们期待下次再见。

关于“Forget Me Not”: 这是一场集创意理念,生活态度,设计过程,结识朋友,资源共享等多方面的分享聚会!也是Super Nature Design新创办的独特小型聚会,我们只有一个小小的要求需要参加的创意人士来自不同领域,并且携一名自己的创意朋友一同参加,聚会的内容是在有吃有喝的优美环境下介绍自己给大家并且畅谈工作和生活上的创意点滴。每次的聚会地点和时间都会由Super Nature Design发出邀请通知。


June 17, 2009 was the day Super Nature Design held its first creative get together called “Forget Me Not”. We would like to thank our friends (and friend’s friends) from various industries from music to motion graphics, from graphics design to event and public relationship. Thank you for your attendance and most importantly we enjoyed your fun, crazy experience sharing!

About “Forget Me Not”:FMN is a casual gathering for pizza, wine, beer and chitchat. It aims to be a frequent event for everyone to meet Super Nature’s friends and Super Nature’s friend’s friends… This event is by invitation, and may be you will be the next one to be invited!