还记得我们之前提到过“NEW ANGLES”将有新去向了吗?没错!今天我们就要向大家揭晓这个神秘地方---
水舍时尚设计酒店。水舍是一家座落于浦江西岸,毗邻全新改造的十六铺的创意精品酒店,囊括了概念餐厅和时尚活动场地,致力于打造成为世博会期间上海南外滩地段的标志性建筑。我们荣幸地受到邀请,在一个阳光明媚的下午来到这里,运用我们的互动装置,与水舍共同筹备起一场盛大的开幕派对。当然,一起来的少不了最近在大家耳边一直响起,大红大紫的“NEW ANGLES”啦!经过一下午紧张的准备,终于顺利完工。夜幕降临,水舍里亮起美妙的灯光,NEW ANGLES也在此时再次大放异彩,看到来宾们经过它都表现得非常兴奋,或者开心地欣赏动画,或者跃跃欲试,又或者伴着梦幻的背景闲聊,我们心里甚是满足!走上二楼天台小憩,满眼是上海夜晚的流光溢彩,身体虽有小许疲惫,但是心情大好。
“ROCK BUND-洛克外滩源”为那里的人们带来神奇的互动体验了!拭目以待吧!
Remember the new location for NEW ANGLES we mentioned? We are here today to tell you about it---the new place is
"The Waterhouse”! It is a newly built ultimate design hotel and a lifestyle destination with a difference, located at SouthBund in Shanghai.
"The Waterhouse" promise to raise the boutique hotel stakes in Shanghai and beyond. Super Nature is so happy to collaborate with it to hold its big opening event. We arrived there at a bright and sunny afternoon, together with our star installation “NEW ANGLES”. After a whole afternoon’s work, the “NEW ANGLES” again shine its beauty at the
“The Waterhouse”. The guests at that nignt were watching, playing and chatting in front of it, so exciting. Having seen this, we went to the balcony upstairs to have a rest, seeing the so colorful Shanghai, so satisfied of life.
“NEW ANGLES”will stay at the
“The Waterhouse” for a while, then it is going to show at
“ROCKBUND SHANGHAI”, bringing great experience to more people. Please wait expectantly!