Super Nature的新作-“新视角NEW ANGLES”互动装置在今年5月出炉。这个作品的灵感来自有一天我们遇到的一位发放广告传单的访客。他来做宣传,却没有做丝毫的口头宣传,而只是给我们留下一张做好折线的折纸卡片。我们闲来无聊就一起完成了这个手工,结果惊讶地发现我们制作出了一个小小的彩色三角体,而广告就印在三角体的每一面,真是非常有意思!我们集体感叹, 于是在不久以后的创作过程中我们想到了这个有趣的三角体,接下来,就诞生了这个新奇的由无数小三角体组成的 “电子灯光互动屏”。靠近看,表面有点像美味的榴莲噢!这个互动屏内置了几个颜色绚丽的抽象动画与一个互动环节,交替播出。你可以一会儿欣赏好看的动画,一会儿扭动你的身体,挥舞你的双臂,在屏幕上创造属于你自己的专有图像。这个装置首先参加了2010上海国际科学与艺术展,受到了许多参观者的喜爱,我们也发现了好些个十分可爱的互动poses。 随后Super Nature有幸受到好友Rigel Davis的设计师精品服装店VANITAS开幕的邀请,给NEW ANGLES找到了一个新的展示空间,也是第一次在时尚品牌店里展出,让它给选购衣服的顾客带去快乐。悄悄透露给你们,现在New Angles又有了新去向,猜猜看它将在哪里吧。 Super Nature’s new work came out on this May already. This time we have created an interactive light installation called “NEW ANGLES”. The inspiration comes from someday, when we met an image sales who wanted to advertise us about their company. Unusually, he said nothing about the company but leave a piece of paper with fold line on it. Later when we are free, we finished the paper folding and successfully made a triangle, and the advertisement is just printed on each side of the triangle, that’s so impressive. Later, when we were brainstorming, we came up with the idea of triangle interactive light sculpture. This interactive installation consists of a series colorful animation and interactive motion capture. You can see these colorful animation for a while, then enjoy the interaction for another, making your own fantastic movement animation! The installation has taken part in 2010Shanghai science and art exhibition. Then we are invited by our good friend-Rigel Davis to put it into her designers fashion store VANITAS for its grand opening this summer to entertain the customers there for 1 month(JULY). The latest news is that “NEW ANGLES” will have a new location to show up soon. Guess where!