新年伊始,建筑设计事务所-UNIT.architects 邀请Super Nature参加了一场关于数字化建筑的研讨聚会。我在聚会上和来自同济大学的建筑系学生,建筑行业的设计师,数字设计相关的研究者一起分享了Super Nature近期做过的成功数字案例。就关于我们曾经做过的新媒体互动数字项目,我与到访者产生了踊跃的互动交流 ,在数字化媒体设计方案与建筑业课题研讨的结合讨论后,或许大家更能明白今后未来数字化建筑发展的趋势。在此感谢邀请我们参与这场聚会的组织者-郑泳先生。

Big thanks to Mr.Zhen who are come from /UNIT.architects/ invited us to do a great sharing talk with their students and designer friends. /UNIT/ is one independent architecture design studio in shanghai, they are focusing on digitizing in architecture design. During the talk, we were sharing our digital interactive work experiences and discuss how to apply new media concepts and technology into architecture design industry.

That talk-night was making me unforgettable! Thank you - /UNIT.architects/