Super Nature Design在11月受吉隆坡的Kyoorius Designyatra邀请,参与了名为“retrospective_my”的平面海报设计展。这个展览是由马来西亚设计机构 - Kraftgrafik组织,介绍本土/亚洲优秀设计师对马来西亚当地文化传统的洞察结合设计理念分享出自己的见解。我们被展出的海报设计围绕着“The growth of a nation”为主题创作,运用自然植物生长规律影射当今国家多民族文化发展所要具备的条件与环境。

As a parellel event to Kyoorius Designyatra in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Kraftgrafik is curating an exhibition entitled “retrospective_my” to showcase Malaysian Designers, alongside to create an insight to local heritage and background. Super Nature Design was invited to participate for this exhibition. The title of our work: “The growth of a nation”. Our design is depicting the growth of a nation and foster the root of multiculturalism in our country development.