主题为 “光辉设计” 的吉隆坡国际设计周在03月27日至04月04日如期举行。这也是今年在马来西亚举办的最盛大的一次国际性设计交流活动,涉及的创意领域包括图形设计、影像动画设计、新媒体交互设计、新潮建筑设计等。设计周内容由会谈讲座、创意展览、艺术装置、创意集市等部分组成,分别在为期一周的时间面向当地与国际大众。
Super Nature Design被主办方邀请为演讲嘉宾参加了MAXIMUM MINIMALISM CONFERENCE会谈讲座这一环节。我们利用45分钟的时间与国际各个创意领域的知名设计师一起向观众分享了我们历年来的新媒体设计作品和Super Nature Design一直独有的互动设计哲学。现场的气氛非常愉悦与激动,感谢每一次的作品分享完毕后观众给于的热烈掌声。通过这次的创意会谈,我们认识了很多国际知名设计师/团队,同样也再一次见到了老朋友,他们为:HUE Visualab / Hexa Project / JL Design / Studio4°c / Tokyo Plastic / Kuntzel + Deygas / IDN Magazine / Chris Bosse / Troika / Stefan Sagmeister 等等......
Super Nature was invited to be one of the speakers at The Kuala Lumpur Design Week. The 1-day conference themed “Maximum Minimalism” has discussed the crucial issues of contemporary design, the consciousness of environmental and social responsibility calls for simplicity, innovation and sustainability.
Super Nature has shared with the audiences with our design philosophy that associated to nature as well as the challenges and experiences that we faced during the creative & production processes. We were glad for giving such opportunities with Malaysia designers, art enthusiasts and friends. You could find out more speakers from the event official website.