完成在汉密尔顿的演讲,我们继续新西兰欢乐之旅,目的地是我们以前生活读书过的地方-Wanganui。在路程中我们停留在了一个令人叹奇的美丽地方-Rotorua,这个地方非常神秘,有着巨大的未知能量,令人无限遐想!由于是火山地热活跃区域,有着浓浓的硫磺味,各种自然创造的精彩颜色进入眼帘,Super Nature 团队再次沦陷在这惊奇的大自然中寻找着他们自己的设计灵感。
On our way to Wanganui, we stop by at Rotorua for a night and it was such amazing to visit those geothermal areas in Rotorua. Truly magnificent display of nature wonders. The color and unique smell of sulphur together with escaping steam into the air lets you wonder and lost in this space for a moment!