又一次的有趣合作给大家带来喜悦,这次我们是和nooka nooka toy合作,我们的手画原稿出现在了这个可爱的玩具身上。感谢马来西亚艺术与设计潮流杂志-Pipit的主理人Mike的邀请,使得我们这次的合作成功!

玩偶身上的插画概念来自我们Super Nature对自然灵感的阐述,自然为万物之源头,为设计之灵感,自然总是能让我们无尽感叹它所带给我们的绝妙艺术与美!

It was such great fun project to do sketch drawing on nooka nooka toy. Thanks Mike from Pipit for the invitation on this project. The concept of our drawing: " Nature is our source of inspiration and always amazed us with its floral fantasy and the splendid beauty!"