2010年的尾声,我们Super Nature又和Surface中文杂志一起合作出席星巴克的2010年度随行杯设计比赛的颁奖仪式。这次我们不仅在颁奖仪式上以颁奖人出现,更心血来潮大玩Surface中文杂志封面,以此为仪式助兴! 我们挑选出2010年Surface杂志经典的封面,然后在上面作画,画出很多天马行空的艺术插画并依附在每本杂志的“表面”,让本身就有艺术与设计范儿的Surface杂志变得更加有故事性与收藏价值。希望在新的2011年里,我们继续和Surface中文杂志合作并创作出更多的创意火花。 As 2010 is coming to a close, we collaborated once again with Surface(China) Magazine as guests of honor and judges for Starbuck's My Own Tumbler Design Competition 2010. To celebrate such festive event with our editorial friends, we decided to spice up the covers of Surface monthly issues with our hand-drawn illustrations. We picked 10 of these issues as our 'surfaces' to put in some of our imaginative strokes. Each cover features ink drawings that tells a story of its own. We believe with our illustrations, even magazine can becomelovely collectables. See more