“Surface表面”杂志向来是我们的好朋友,这次邀请我们参与4月初上海时装周其中的一个有趣的活动-“Surface表面-瑞典时尚之夜”开幕派对。我们还是和老搭档-VJ Vader一起在那个夜晚给所有嘉宾带来了场空前绝后的电子互动影音盛宴!Super Nature的音乐互动影像投影和VJ-Vader再次让喜欢影音互动的朋友为之疯狂。
Beginning of April, (Surface表面)magazine invited us doing an interactive projection based live DJ-sets sound and motion movements in their Swedish Fashion opening party. We did a great collaboration with VJ-Vader in that night, and we made all around of people getting high and crazy.
Thank you, Surface. Thank you, Andrew from COM.