北京的三里屯Village一直是让人整天有很多惊喜的地方,来自各地方的年轻人喜欢聚集在这里购物休闲,当然,最能表现当今中国年轻人最潮流一面的北京本土青年每天都在这里穿梭。目击这些现象而感叹是因为当时我们正为三里屯Village南北区购物广场打造2009年的圣诞灯光装饰,这个项目花费2个月,印象深刻,也是我们Super Nature第一次尝试户外灯光亮化工程,我们精心为三里屯设计树灯装饰与各种灯光雕塑,同时还打造楼面上的雪花灯光造型。整个项目做完,一直还没缓过劲来,虽然累,但是成就感满怀而归!最后还是决定送上照片与大家分享。

We were very happy & excited on these final outcomes (the showing photos) from "Sanlitun Village Christmas Lighting Decoration" project. During the Christmas of 2009, we designed several kinds of light sculptures and building decorations for Sanlitun Village North and South shopping areas. It looks amazing! Look back to these cool photos and I have to say this project made us gain a very unique & fantastic lighting-design experience. It signifies our new hopes being lighten up in 2010!