
探索自然中的新发现总是"Super Nature Design"永恒的主题,而从大自然中得到某种特别的智慧和感知却能开启"Super Nature Design"独特而又鲜为人知的一面。这种神奇的力量与激情带引着"Super Nature Design"在艺术与设计创作层面上不断扩展着他们对艺术视觉的想象,超越着各种极限。我们为你们讲述一个从未告诉他人的故事。

这是我们刚刚在2009炎热的夏天即将结束的时候在意工厂 The Factory的第二次公众讲座的一个前言介绍,也是能吸引大家前来听我们讲座的一个重要“煽动信息”。很多认识我们的朋友都知道我们是做新媒体互动的,但是这次我们不但不会和大家切磋新媒体互动,反而会大谈我们Super Nature Design另外一个少人知道的一面!想必来听过我们这次全新的讲座的朋友一定大呼过瘾吧!

感谢我们的创意总监- Yeoh Guan Hong,他能与你们一起分享!同时感谢意工厂 The Factory的创意总监- Sean Dinsmore的再次讲座邀请 ,最后感谢的还是能到场听我们讲座的所有观众!

"The Untold Story" - Super Nature Design is always exploring new sense of nature & sensitivity toward design, which lead to new challenges and tasks in discovering the other of Super Nature's strength and passion. Super Naure Design has constantly expanded new horizon in visual exploration for art and design. Many of untold stories about the journey of these visual explorations will be unfold and shared with you.

Thank you Sean for inviting us again to present and share our experience to the public at The Factory. Thanks everyone for coming to our talk as well.