XXX是一个室内影音互动装置。它能利用外界的各种形式的音乐元素让被投射出的影像产生自身的即时变化。当然在外界的音乐的即时刺激下会让装置内容变化,同样当人走过屏幕的时候也会使得影像内容马上反应出各种能跟踪人走向的幻象。内容十分神秘带有空间幻觉创想,这也是我们Super Nature Design第一次尝试做幻象影像互动装置,感觉非常有趣。
2009年8月-9月该装置在意工场 Factory做为期一个月的展览,十分感谢他们的创意总监- Sean Dinsmore和影像技术- Geoff Broz的大力支持与帮助。
XXX is an indoor interactive installation embraces the excitement of musicworld through gestures of interaction and abstraction of visualrepresentation using motion tracking. It leads our imagination into simpleand unique primitive forms. It contains points, lines and surfaces that canbe interacted freely and transform according to music as well.
It was our first attempt on creating visual illusion involving interaction and this installation exhibited at 意工场 Factory, Shanghai for a month. Thanks Sean Dinsmore and Geoff Broz for supporting this installation.